Friday, 14 May 2010

FRIDAY it was THE 13TH yesterday...

This morning I spent sometime in the studio, this time not taking my own photographs but helping out with Nicole's fashion shoot. By helping out for a little while, particularly during the set up, I learnt a lot about the lighting using in commercial photography and a lot more about how I can set the studio better for my own photographs and how to get the perfect lighting conditions for the affect required. I found the experience really interesting and I feel like I've actually learnt a lot more about the importance of using studio lighting to control how a photograph looks, which is good and will help when using a studio environment in the future.

Also today I have been focusing on ideas on how I want to present my final outcome which at the moment seems as though it is going to be a series of around 60 photos of different facial expressions which have been created by showing horror film clips. I intend to split the photographs up under each film, for example I hope to end with 20-25 images for each film clip, which I want to present on 3 separate boards. I want to use the 2 boards with 4 sides and push them together to make a small room from them, of which three walls will be taken up by the photographs themselves and a back wall which may be will display a small piece of writing explaining the idea behind the experiment. I have also started to think about maybe using sound to represent what the model's have watched. I thought about showing segments of the clips but I feel that another visual element will take the emphasise away from the actual photographs created. Therefore I feel sound would be the best option - the idea will based around incorporating a montage of different sounds, some from the video clips shown, some from the sounds creating by the sitters (i.e. scream, gasp etc.) and then also sounds of people talking afterwards about what they saw, such as what they felt was scariest parts etc.

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