Sunday, 23 May 2010


I firstly finished off editing the best photographs from the three last photo shoots so that I was able to print them all on A4 pages and experimented with laying them out in certain orders to see what ones are the best - one major problem that occurred was that I found that some of the images were out of focus and couldn't be used. This was something that I didn't originally notice when editing on the computer, therefore I need to go back and edit some more photographs as alternatives so I have enough for 20 different people in each film category. Here is some examples of some of the blurred images that can't be used:

With the image (above right) I noticed that all of the shots are out of focus and can't be used which is a massive shame as the expressions were very animated, however I still feel as though I have another photographs for the final series

I also experimented with making sound clips by taking audio from the three films that I showed - I merged all of the clips and created a montage of sounds that was as distorted as it could be without all of the sounds being unrecognisable. This clip is only 50 seconds long but I intend to create a 3-4 minute piece which I will put on a loop so it is played over and over again. In the 3-4 minute sound clip I will use sounds from both the film clips I have shown as well as using sounds from the recording that Becky (who is currently making a doc on mine and a few other people's projects) did of the actual photo shoot as well.

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